PhD defence: Sebastian Lorenzen Smidt

Essays on perceived followership behaviors - leaders, followers, and context

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 22. maj 2024,  kl. 13:00 - 16:00




Department of Management

To complete the PhD study programme, Sebastian Lorenzen Smidt presents his PhD dissertation, giving a public lecture followed by a defence.

Title of the dissertation
Essays on perceived followership behaviors - leaders, followers, and context

Theme for the defence
Essays on perceived followership behaviors - leaders, followers, and context

Assessment committee

  • Associate Professor Mona Toft Madsen, MGMT, Aarhus University – chair
  • Professor, MSO, Mette Vinther Larsen, Aalborg University
  • Associate Professor Magnus Larsson, Lund University, Sweden


  • Professor Ingo Kleindienst
  • Associate Professor Mai Skjøtt Linneberg

After the defence, the department will host a reception in Sebastian's honour. This will be held in room 2628-M212 (Valhalla).

Where to find the dissertation: The dissertation can be downloaded from Sebastian Lorenzen Smidt’s homepage prior to the defence.  

Everyone is welcome!